Gauthami Education
Gauthami Education
Our Management
Gauthami Educational Institutions are run under the aegis of KPR Educational Society, established in the year 1991. There are schools, junior colleges, professional colleges, etc. under the Gauthami Banner.
K Ravinder Reddy
A law graduate holding MA. LLB., Sri K Ravinder Reddy garu was a practising lawyer and also worked as an MRO before establishing Gauthami Group of Institutions.
K Prithvi Dheeraj Reddy
Worked extensively in the IT industry, Sri K Prithvi Reddy garu, holds the Secretarial Position and is instrumental in digitising and modernising the Group's Operations.
Our Heads of Institutions
Gauthami School - Bollarum
Gauthami School - Chintal
Dr. Saraswati M
Gauthami Degree & PG College - Chintal
Dr. Sreedhara Rao B
Gauthami Degree College - Kukatpally
Dr. Sreedhara Rao B
Gauthami Junior College - Kukatpally
Mrs. Bharathi A
Gauthami Junior College - Chintal